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Candidate, Jerry Ouellette

Progressive Conservative Party | Oshawa, ON

CLC rating: Educable

CautionLight Rating

Rating Comments: CLC's 2025 Ontario provincial election questionnaire not yet sent. He was the MPP for Oshawa from 1995 until 2014. In a questionnaire he said he would allow abortion for a variety of exceptions. Ouellette was also one of the few MPP's who took a public stand in defence of true marriage. He also kindly co-sponsored the Queen's Park media studio for a Campaign Life Coalition press conference to announce the launch of a provincial Defund Abortion campaign.
First elected ( 08-Jun-95
Previous Occupation: Lumber industry
Birthdate ( 1959.01.30
Percentage in last election: 42.2% in 2011; 39.0% in 2007
Victory margin last election: 6.1% in 2011; 6.1% in 2007
Religion / Faith: unknown
Constituency Offices
170 Athol Street E.
Oshawa, Ontario
L1H 1K1
Tel: 905-723-2411
Fax: 905-723-1054
Parliamentary Office
Legislative Building
Queen's Park, Room 428
Toronto, Ontario
M7A 1A8
Tel: 416-325-2147
Fax: 416-325-2169

Here is Jerry Ouellette's voting record relating to life and family issues:

Votes, Surveys and Policy Decision Vote Score
Bill 13, 3rd reading, which radically sexualized the school curriculum and forced all Catholic & Public schools to accept homosexual-activist clubs
Officially called The Accepting Schools Act, this bill which became law, forced Catholic schools to accepts student gay pride clubs known as GSAs, even over the objection and constitutional rights of Ontario's Catholic bishops. The law also injected radical sexual theories into the curriculum to be taught at the earliest grades. These sexual theories include "gender identity", the disputed notion that a child’s gender is not necessarily connected to their physical anatomy and that it’s perfectly normal for little boys to think they’re little girls; and the 6-gender theory which teaches children that there are 6 diffeerent genders (LGBTTIQ theory), not just male & female. All this was done under the deceptive ruse that these changes were necessary to reduce bullying and punish bullies. The bill also embeds a biased, anti-Christian slur into the curriculum designed to label all people of faith who adhere to traditional biblical norms of human sexuality as if they were "hateful" or "bigoted". Unfortunately, this bill was passed on June 4, 2013 by a vote of 65 to 36, despite parental protests that took place in the streets, at Queens Park and outside MPP consituency offices.
No ok
Bill 13, 2nd reading, the so-called "Accepting Schools Act" which sexualized the school curriculum and forced homosexual-activist clubs on Catholic and Public schools
This bill which ultimately became law, forced Catholic schools to accepts student gay pride clubs known as GSAs, even over the objection and constitutional rights of Ontario's Catholic bishops. The law also injected radical sexual theories into the curriculum to be taught at the earliest grades. These sexual theories include "gender identity", the disputed notion that a child’s gender is not necessarily connected to their physical anatomy and that it’s perfectly normal for little boys to think they’re little girls; and the 6-gender LGBTTIQ theory which teaches children that there are 6 different genders, not just male & female. All this was done under the deceptive ruse that these changes were necessary to reduce bullying and punish bullies. The bill also embeds a biased, anti-Christian slur into the curriculum designed to label all people of faith who adhere to traditional moral norms of human sexuality as if they were "hateful" or "bigoted". Unfortunately, this bill was passed on June 4, 2013 by a vote of 65 to 36, despite parental protests that took place in the streets at Queens Park and outside MPP consituency offices. [2nd reading passed 66 to 33 on May 3, 2013]
No ok
Bill 171 which abolished the true definition of marriage & family in Ontario law
[Feb 28, 2005]
No ok
Position on de-funding of abortion services
Supports ok
Bill 91, An act to restore the right of parents to at least be notified of medical treatment planned for their children
[Nov 28/96] Note: this right was taken away from parents by the NDP government in 1992.
Yes ok

Here are quotes from Jerry Ouellette on various life and family issues:

On Bill 171 which would abolish the true definition of marriage & family in Ontario law:  "I know I'll get time later, but I want it clearly stated that I believe the definition of marriage in Canada should remain as a "union of one man and one woman, to the exclusion of all others." [Ontario Hansard, Feb. 23, 2005]

Here are the answers for the questionnaire as provided by Jerry Ouellette on 19-Sep-07.

Question Response
Do you acknowledge that human life begins at conception (fertilization)? Yes
Are there any circumstances under which you believe a woman should have access to abortion? (note: a surgical or medical intervention, designed to prevent the death of the mother but but which results in the unintended and undesired death of the pre-born child, is not an abortion. e.g. in cases of tubal pregnancy or cervical cancer) Yes - sexual abuse, incest and underage pregnancy
Will you support measures to stop funding abortions with taxpayers' money in Ontario? Yes
Do you agree women have the right to be thoroughly informed about the serious health consequences of abortion, the development of the child in the womb and the alternatives to abortion? Yes
Will you support the rights of parents to withdraw their children from school classes which offend their moral principles or beliefs concerning abortion, contraception and homosexuality? Yes
Will you support legislation to protect the right of health care workers who refuse to participate in procedures which are in violation of their religious or conscientious beliefs? Yes

There are no videos available for Jerry Ouellette.

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  • Green Light
    GREEN light means the person supports CLC principles and is rated as SUPPORTABLE
  • Red Light
    RED light means the person is NOT SUPPORTABLE
  • Amber Light
    AMBER light means voters should be cautious about the candidate. CLC is still evaluating this individual, does not have enough data, or their record is mixed. View their quotes & voting history to help you decide.
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