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Ontario general election – what’s our strategy?

Ontario general election – what’s our strategy?

How should we vote come election time this summer, given that the Ford PCs have turned their backs on us, and... there are other parties presenting a strong and viable alternative on the right?

Doug Ford, who campaigned during his PC Party leadership campaign, and during the first provincial election, on numerous social conservative values such as repealing Kathleen Wynne’s radical sex curriculum, has turned out be an unmitigated disaster for the pro-life/family movement... and the entire province.

The Ford PCs have betrayed the voters who put them in power, and must be removed from office in the February 27, 2025 provincial election.

We'll still endorse the few pro-life PC MPPs in the caucus, but Ford’s conservative-in-name-only PC Party as a whole has governed as a leftwing, pro-abortion, anti-family dictatorship. It truly has become the provincial branch of Justin Trudeau's Liberal Party.

Aside from the betrayals on social conservative values, the Ford regime unleashed deliberate destruction on the economy during the lockdown era, and shockingly, engineered the firing of thousands of people from their jobs for conscientiously refusing to take an abortion-tainted COVID injection! Still today, years later, the Ford PCs refused to hire back all the doctors and nurses it caused to be fired over their private medical and moral decisions.

Under Ford’s leadership, the PC Party of Ontario has become totally corrupt in ways too numerous to list. Here are just a few examples:

  • Reinstating the perverse sex-ed curriculum of the Kathleen Wynne Liberals
  • Abandoning a pledge Doug Ford made to Campaign Life Coalition that he would repeal Kathleen Wynne's abortion bubble zone censorship law
  • Piling on to publicly lynch the faithful Catholic school trustee Mike Del Grande
  • Keeping abortion procedures and marijuana shops open for business through the first lockdown while at the same time, cancelling cancer surgeries and restricting church attendance
  • Appointing candidates at will without a nomination election by party members, blocking pro-life candidates, and alleged voter fraud.
  • Eliminating grassroots Policy Conventions where members of the party get the opportunity to introduce, debate and pass official policy resolutions and constitutional amendments, this making it a dictatorship of the establishment party elite, and rendering party members utterly voiceless.

Many alternatives to the corrupt Ford PCs

The New Blue Party of Ontario

In 2020, Jim and Belinda Karahalios formed a truly conservative and democratic alternative to the PCs called the New Blue Party of Ontario. Belinda used to serve as the PC Party MPP for Cambridge, but was ousted for voting against Doug Ford’s draconian lockdown Bill 195 which destroyed lives and jobs.

ABOVE: Belinda and Jim Karahalios, the New Blue Party of Ontario (From YouTube)

As strong pro-lifers themselves, the Karahalios team promised to make the party open to social conservatives. This gave CLC greater cause for hope, and indeed, the sanctity of life and a commitment to parental rights were listed as founding principles in the party's constitution. It reads as follows:

"The health and wellbeing of society is improved by strong families in which parents are the primary educators and caregivers of their children and by recognizing the inherent value and dignity of human life from conception to natural death." (emphasis added)

Of course, the party would also offer Ontarians strong fiscal, and anti-corruption policies (no surprise since Jim led the “Axe The Carbon Tax” movement and fought against voting fraud in internal PC Party nomination elections with his “Take Back Our PC Party” campaign).

The New Blue Party has managed to establish riding association in all 124 ridings in the province. In the 2025 election, the party is fielding a candidate in almost every riding.

The Ontario Party

On December 14, 2021 the former Conservative MP, Derek Sloan, announced the formation of his own provincial party, called the Ontario Party

We love Derek for his powerful and fearless pro-life, pro-family Conservative Party leadership campaign in 2020. In fact, he was so vocal in promoting his socially conservative policy position, that the red Tory Conservative Party leadership under Erin O'Toole kicked him out of the federal party.

ABOVE: Derek Sloan, leader of The Ontario Party (From Facebook)

As the Leader of the Ontario Party, Derek has continued to be openly pro-life and pro-family. The Ontario Party is also fielding a number of pro-life candidates in 2025.

Stop The New Sex-Ed Agenda Party

This party which used to be led by Catholic pro-family activist, Queenie Yu, is also fielding at least two very strong pro-life, pro-parental rights candidates, which CLC is happy to endorse.

CLC’s Election Strategy

Campaign Life Coalition will be endorsing pro-life candidates wherever they exist, in all three of these parties. If a candidate meets our criteria as being pro-life, we’ll green light them.

And, if it turns out there are three pro-life candidates in a single riding, we will support all of them and leave it up to you, the individual voter, to discern which candidate you’ll cast your ballot for, based on other factors, policies or personal characteristics or backgrounds that are important to you.

We feel this is the best way forward for us as a pro-life organization.

Our prayer is that God will somehow deliver a victory on February 27th – in whatever way He defines “victory” – and that our efforts to put Godly, values-focused men and women in government will serve His will.

Please roll up your sleeves with CLC, and let’s get ready to make a difference in this election!

Don't know where your local candidate
stands on life & family issues?

Send them CLC's 2025 election survey, and ask them, as a voter, to give you answers