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Party Policy Comparison

Issue New Blue Ontario PC Liberal NDP Green

Sanctity of Human Life

  • Party constitution includes pro-life statement: “The health and wellbeing of society is improved by... recognizing the inherent value and dignity of human life from conception

"An Ontario Party Government Will:

  • Introduce legislation that: 1) protects a parent’s right to be informed in advance of any procedure, treatment, or medication administered to their child; 2) ensures no child can obtain a procedure, treatment, or medication without explicit parental consent.
  • Provide additional funding and support for crisis pregnancy centers.
  • Make it easier to adopt and will introduce measures to better assist pregnant women who may wish to put their child up for adoption."

The Party's charter document contains the following in its declaration of principles:

  • "We believe that the right to life is the most important human right, from which all other rights are derived."
  • Maintain the current status quo of abortion-on-demand throughout all 9 months of pregnancy, up to the moment of birth, for any reason or no reason at all, and that it be fully funded by the taxpayer.
  • During COVID lockdowns, Doug Ford's PC government kept abortion killing centres open as “essential” while cancelling cancer surgeries and other genuine medical treatments.
  • Supports abortion-on-demand
  • Supports abortion-on-demand
  • Adheres to the "Global Greens” policies which include support for abortion as a means to “control fertility”.
  • Policy document states: “Expand the number of abortion clinics in Ontario, including in the north”.


  • Party constitution states: “The health and wellbeing of society is improved by... recognizing the inherent value and dignity of human life from conception to natural death
  • Leader is strongly opposed to euthanasia
  • Opposes euthanasia
  • No official policy 
  • Supports euthanasia and assisted suicide
  • Supports euthanasia & assisted suicide
  • No official policy, but Leader supports euthanasia & assisted suicide

Free Speech

  • Will "promote a free press by cancelling the Toronto Star’s $500 million online gambling licence (gifted by the Ford PCs) and taxing all corporate media that receive any of the $600 million federal government taxpayer “bailout” subsidy from the Trudeau Liberals"
  • Leader is a strong free speech advocate.
  • "An Ontario Party government will:  Repeal the “Bubble Zone” legislation, Bill 163, to restore and protect free speech, including pro-life speech."
  • "Withhold provincial funding to any university or college that does not protect campus pro-life clubs and afford them equal status and treatment."
  • Has taken no action to repeal the censorship law. In fact, Doug Ford’s PCs are still pursuing criminal charges against a Catholic priest for peacefully demonstrating in front of an abortion mill.
  • Supports the anti-free speech, "bubble zone" censorship law. In fact, it was the Wynne Liberals who passed it into law.
  • Supports the anti-free speech, "bubble zone" censorship law.
  • No official policy.

Conscience Rights

  • No official policy, but Leader strongly supports conscience rights
  • "An Ontario Party government will: Ensure conscience rights protections for health care workers that will safeguard their jobs should they choose not to participate in any procedures, such as abortion or euthanasia."

  • No official policy, but the Ford PCs have tacitly supported the college of physicians ordering doctors to refer for abortion & euthanasia.
  • Opposes the right of medical professionals to refuse to participate in, or refer for abortions. 
  • Opposes the right of medical professionals to refuse to participate in, or refer for abortions.
  • No official policy, but Leader strongly opposes conscience rights for medical professionals.

Parental Rights

  • Party constitution states: “The health and wellbeing of society is improved by strong families in which parents are the primary educators and caregivers of their children”
  • Party constitution states: “We believe in honouring parents as the primary educators of their children, and respecting the values they choose to live and raise their children by
  • "An Ontario Party government will: Bring in legislation that 1) protects a parent’s right to be informed of any procedure, treatment, medication, or vaccine administered to their child; 2) ensures no child can obtain a procedure, treatment, medication, or vaccine without explicit parental consent."
  •  Opposed parental rights in education by reinstating Kathleen Wynne’s radical sex ed curriculum, almost word-for-word, after promising to repeal it.
  •  Ford government pressured Toronto Catholic School Board to add transgender ideology to its Code of Conduct, thus violating the constitutional rights of Catholic parents
  • Imposes radical transgender & homosexual ideology on school children at every turn.
  • Opposes the right of parents to be given advance notice of classroom lessons dealing with abortion, homosexuality or transgenderism, and to opt-out of such lessons.
  •  Introduced a radical sex curriculum which nudges children towards sexual experimentation
  • Forced homosexual pride clubs on Catholic schools over the objection of religious leaders & parents
  • Opposes parental rights in education on issues of sexual morality
  • Fully supported the previous Liberal government’s early childhood sex ed for children as young as six.
  • Fully supported the previous Liberal government forcing homosexual pride clubs on Catholic schools
  •  Opposes parental rights in education on issues of sexual morality
  • Fully supports a homosexualized school curriculum

Vaccine Mandates

  • Opposes coercive vax mandates, passports & lockdowns.
  • Would pass legislation to make vaccine passports illegal.
  • Opposes coercive vax mandates, passports & lockdowns.
  • Supports forcing people to take experimental, abortion-tainted COVID injections.
  • Encouraged employers to fire vaccine-free workers and take away their livelihood.
  • Supports forcing people to take experimental, abortion-tainted COVID injections, including children
  • Supports forcing people to take experimental, abortion-tainted COVID injections
  • Supports forcing people to take experimental, abortion-tainted COVID injections

LGBT Ideology

  • Will remove Gender Identity Theory from Ontario's school curriculum.
  • Will fight classroom indoctrination of children with transgender ideology by making it "illegal for any teacher, school administrator, or any school board official to teach, disseminate or promote materials to students that explicitly or implicitly state: Men (male) and women (female) do not exist as separate, biological, realities;"
  • "An Ontario Party Government Will:

    Prevent the use of non-reversible treatments or procedures for children and youth under 18 experiencing gender dysphoria/gender confusion."

  • Celebrates & promotes transgender ideology, including putting gender-confused children on the path to puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones, which, for many, will also lead to irreversible, genital surgical mutilation later in life.
  • On March 31, 2022, the so-called "International Transgender Day of Visibility", the Ford government announced $800,000 in public funding to be "invested" in programs that will encourage vulnerable children and youth in Ontario's child welfare system to embrace transgender/homosexual identities and lifestyles. For example, sending gender-confused children to special LGBT-themed camps in order to encourage them in their delusion of being "trapped in the wrong body".

  • Celebrates & promotes transgender ideology, including putting gender-confused children on the path to puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones, which, for many, will also lead to irreversible, genital surgical mutilation later in life.
  • Celebrates & promotes transgender ideology, including putting gender-confused children on the path to puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones, which, for many, will also lead to irreversible, genital surgical mutilation later in life.
  • Introduced Bill 17 to expand transgender “healthcare” services, with taxpayers footing the bill and gender-confused adults & children suffering the consequences. Examples of the new "healthcare services" to be covered include "facial feminization surgery" and “chest contouring". (Meanwhile, wait times for hip and knee replacements for seniors continue to grow.)
  • Adheres to Global Greens policy stating: “We demand that ‘LGBTIQ+ Mainstreaming’ be instituted at every level of government”
  • Policy document states: “Mandate training for primary health care practitioners on the health care needs of trans and gender-diverse people”


  • Opposes the establishment of heroin shooting galleries in towns & cities. These legal drug injection sites permit addicts to consume heroin, crack, cocaine, etc, thus enabling addiction and destroying the neighbourhoods in which they’re planted.
  • No official policy 
  •  Ford PCs have supported the previous Liberal government’s establishment of heroin shooting galleries in towns & cities. These legal drug injection sites permit addicts to consume heroin, crack, cocaine, etc, thus enabling addiction and destroying the neighbourhoods in which they’re planted.

  • Ford’s Assistant Minister for Mental Health, Michael Tibbolo, said that the Ford administration is fine with decriminalizing all drugs.

  • Established heroin shooting galleries in Ontario towns & cities. These legal drug injection sites permit addicts to consume heroin, crack, cocaine, etc, thus enabling addiction and destroying the neighbourhoods in which they’re planted
  • Want to expand the number of heroin shooting galleries across Ontario.... and even to have the government supply the drugs to addicts.
  • Want to decriminalize all hard drugs including crack, cocaine, heroin, fentanyl, etc.
  • Supports the establishment of heroin shooting galleries in towns & cities, both of the provincially supervised variety and “popup sites run by the community”. These legal drug injection sites permit addicts to take heroin, crack, crystal meth, etc, thus enabling addiction and destroying the neighbourhoods in which they’re planted.
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