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Bonnie Crombie

Liberal Leader

Whether any party leader is supportable, like any candidate in a given riding, is always based on their position on abortion and the right to life for unborn children. Those deemed pro-life earn a green light rating, are supportable and can be voted for in their own riding. Those deemed pro-abortion get a red light rating and are not supportable. To see Bonnie Crombie’ candidate rating, plug in his last name into the Search field above.

For strictly informational purposes, we're sharing an analysis of Bonnie Crombie’ personal leadership score on 8 measurement categories relating to policy, voting, or actions, below. Note: The categories below are not equal in weight. The right to life of unborn children is the top issue, outranking all others.

Summary of Actions

Voting Record
  • During her time as a former Liberal MP she voted for immoral positions 4 out of the 6 times that such bills/regulations arose in the House of Commons.
Sanctity of Life
  • Supports abortion. As a federal MP, she voted in favour of Bob Rae's pro-abortion Motion to expand abortion & contraception throughout Africa, at Canadian taxpayer expense. 
  • Voted against Bill C-510, a Conservative MP's private member's bill which sought to protect pregnant women from coercion to abort her unborn child.
  • In now-deleted tweets, Crombie expressed her support for the practice of in-utero child murder. For example, in her X posts from October 18, 2023 (“Access to safe and legal abortions is a fundamental part of healthcare”), June 24, 2022 (reacting to Roe v. Wade being overturned), and March 8, 2024 (“Women deserve control over their own bodies—full stop”).
Conscience Rights
  • Has not made any explicit statements revealing her stance on doctors and nurses refusing to participate in abortion, euthanasia, contraception or sex-change mutilation surgery and puberty blockers. 
  • Crombie’s emphasis on universal access to "reproductive rights" (aka abortion) could imply she might favor policies ensuring healthcare workers are coerced into violating their consciences by providing services they object to on moral, religious, ethical or medical safety grounds, but this would be speculative.

Free Speech
  • Although there’s no direct public statement from Bonnie Crombie explicitly supporting anti-free speech censorship laws, like the abortion "bubble zone" or "safe access zone" law that criminalizes peaceful pro-life expression in Ontario, her strong "pro-choice" record and leadership of the very Ontario Liberal party that implemented Ontario’s Safe Access to Abortion Services Act in 2017 suggest she’d likely favor such anti-free expression policies.
LGBT Ideology
  • Strong advocate for homosexual & transgender “Pride month”.
  • Crombie boasted of marching in the 2024 "Pride" Parades in Toronto, York and Hamilton. In a post on X dated June 30, 2024, Crombie stated: “Happy Pride, Toronto! It was wonderful marching (and dancing!) in the parade ... Ontario’s Liberals will never stop fighting to ensure that all Ontarians are free to be who they are and love who they love.”
  • As Mayor of Mississauga (2014–2023), Crombie was actively involved in LGBT Pride celebrations. For instance, a June 1, 2022, statement from the City of Mississauga website noted her raising the "Progress Pride Flag" and hosting a Pride Social.
Parental Rights
  • Publicly supported the parental prosecution bill passed by Justin Trudeau's Liberal government, also known as the "conversion therapy ban", Bill C-4. This legislation can put parents in jail up to five years if they dare to affirm their gender-confused son or daughter in their biological sex, or refuse to let them take puberty blockers. In a now-deleted December 8, 2021 post on X, Crombie celebrated the passage of the parental prosecution bill.
  • While she has made no explicit statement of support for former Liberal Premier Kathleen Wynne's radical sex-ed curriclum, the fact remains she has taken over a party that had championed the 2015 curriculum under Wynne’s leadership. Crombie’s decision to lead the Liberals and her lack of criticism of Wynne’s key policies, including the sex-ed curriculum, suggest alignment with its principles. During her 2023 leadership campaign, Crombie emphasized unity and building on the party’s progressive legacy, which implicitly includes Wynne’s initiatives like the age-inappropriate, sex curriculum.
Vaccine Mandates
  • As Mayor of Mississauga she championed a Nazi-style system of segregation using vaccine passports, regardles of conscientious objection by citizens who object to being forced to take abortion-tainted COVID injections. 
  • Under her leadership, the City of Mississauga introduced a policy that could cause the firing of city employees, contractors, and volunteers for their private medical decision to not take a COVID injection.
  • It was her own Liberal Party that established hard drug injection sites in Ontario towns & cities, so it’s likely she would continue with the policy of enabling drug addiction in the name of so-called “harm reduction”, and thus causing harm to families, crime and destruction in communities, and loss of life.

NOTE: Always make your voting decision based on the merit of your local candidates, not the Party Leaders. If a local candidate in your riding has a green light rating from Campaign Life Coalition, vote for them, even if the Party Leader disappoints.

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