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Doug Ford

Progressive Conservative Party Leader

Whether any party leader is supportable, like any candidate in a given riding, is always based on their position on abortion and the right to life for unborn children. Those deemed pro-life earn a green light rating, are supportable and can be voted for in their own riding. Those deemed pro-abortion get a red light rating and are not supportable. To see Doug Ford’ candidate rating, plug in his last name into the Search field above.

For strictly informational purposes, we're sharing an analysis of Doug Ford’ personal leadership score on 8 measurement categories relating to policy, voting, or actions, below. Note: The categories below are not equal in weight. The right to life of unborn children is the top issue, outranking all others.

Summary of Actions

Voting Record
  • Although not a direct voting record, Ford, as PC Leader, had to approve many pieces of anti-free speech, pro-abortion and anti-family laws, regulations and funding decisions.
Sanctity of Life
  • During his first lockdown of society, Ford shut down church worship, declaring it “non-essential”, but kept abortuaries running full steam as “essential” services.
  • Ford told reporters in 2019 that: “We are not - I’m going to repeat - we are not reopening any abortion issues”.
Conscience Rights
  • Ford back-tracked on a PC leadership promise that he’d introduce conscience rights legislation to protect doctors from being coerced by the College of Physicians & Surgeons to participate in (or give referrals for) euthanasia and abortion. He has never done so.
Free Speech
  • Strong supporter of censorship and cancel culture.
  • At this moment, has his Attorney General pursuing criminal charges against a Catholic priest for peacefully demonstrating inside a legislated censorship zone, within 50 metres of an abortion mill. 
  • Ford invoked an unconstitutional and petty State of Emergency in order to try silencing the peaceful protestors in the Freedom Convoy. It represented a frontal assault on freedom of expression and the right to protest.
LGBT Ideology
  • Marched in Gay Pride Parades.
  • Grassroots members at a 2018 PC Policy Convention had passed a resolution to remove Gender Identity Theory from all school curriculum, but Ford unilaterally and undemocratically decided not to allow the policy to move forward.

  • Allowed his Education Minister to push transgender ideology in the Toronto Catholic District School Board. Minister Lecce, with Ford’s full knowledge, attacked faithful Catholic Trustee Mike Del Grande for opposing the addition of “gender identity” and “gender expression” into the faith-based institution’s Code of Conduct. 
Parental Rights
  • Strongly opposed to parental rights in education
  • Gave Ontario teachers permission to brainwash children with transgender & homosexual ideology at any grade, in any subject.
Vaccine Mandates
  • Made abortion-tainted COVID injections mandatory for many employment and recreational sectors, regardless of conscientious objection.
  • Fired healthcare and other government workers for their private medical decison to not take an abortion-tainted COVID injection.
  • Instittued a Nazi-style system of segragation by vaccine status, in which some citizens had fewer rights and freedoms than others.
  • Imposed lockdowns which lead to increased child suicides, an explosion of mental health problems & subtance abuse, and caused/will cause the eventual deaths of tens of thousands of people who missed cancer surgeries, cancer screenings, diabetes testing, and a plethora of other cancelled treatments.
  • Ford supports the establishment of government-run heroin shooting galleries in towns and cities throughout the province. There, addicts are legally permitted to take hard drugs including crack, heroin, fentanyl and crystal meth, thus destroying the surrounding neigborhood.
  • Is not opposed to decriminalizing all drugs including crack, heroin, etc., according to his Assistant Minister for Mental Health, Michael Tibbolo.

NOTE: Always make your voting decision based on the merit of your local candidates, not the Party Leaders. If a local candidate in your riding has a green light rating from Campaign Life Coalition, vote for them, even if the Party Leader disappoints.

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