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Marit Stiles

NDP Leader

Whether any party leader is supportable, like any candidate in a given riding, is always based on their position on abortion and the right to life for unborn children. Those deemed pro-life earn a green light rating, are supportable and can be voted for in their own riding. Those deemed pro-abortion get a red light rating and are not supportable. To see Marit Stiles’ candidate rating, plug in his last name into the Search field above.

For strictly informational purposes, we're sharing an analysis of Marit Stiles’ personal leadership score on 8 measurement categories relating to policy, voting, or actions, below. Note: The categories below are not equal in weight. The right to life of unborn children is the top issue, outranking all others.

Summary of Actions

Voting Record
  • During her time as an MPP she voted for immoral and undemocratic positions three times out of the four in which such bills/regulations arose.
Sanctity of Life
  • As a matter of NDP policy, she supports the murder of babies in the womb via abortion.  
  • Voted in favour of Ontario Motion 36 to expand OHIP coverage to include universal access to all prescription contraception, including abortifacient drugs.
  • Has repeatedly expressed support for abortion through her social media posts..Her language—“pro-choice,” “my body, my choice,” “right to choose,” and “abortion is healthcare”— provides robust evidence of her pro-child murder stance. 
  • On the platform X (formerly Twitter), Stiles has expressed support for Canada's euthanasia killing regime (MAiD).
Conscience Rights
  • Although Ms. Stiles has not directly said whether she supports forcing doctors and nurses to participate in abortion and euthanasia, the NDP as a party voted unanimously against Bill 129 which had sought to protect the conscience rights of health care workers from being compelled to participate in such practices they deem to be unethical. Therefore, we can reasonably assume she is of the same mind.
Free Speech
  • Although Stiles has not directly explained her position on the growing totalitarian censorship of free speech that we see from various levels of government, the NDP introduced Bill 3 in 2021 which would have made it a crime to peacefully express opposition to, or even skepticism about, the Nazi-style vaccine passport system of segregation that was imposed during Doug Ford's devastating lockdown era. This NDP bill would also have made it illegal to peacefully criticize the controversial, abortion-tainted COVID jabs. As leader of the NDP, we can reasonably assume that she harbours the same authoritarian views as her socialist party.
LGBT Ideology
  • Has marched in LGBT Pride Parades. Posts on X show her participating in the 2022 "Dyke March" and the 2024 Trans Pride March in Toronto.
Parental Rights
  • Strongly opposes parental rights in education. 
  • Publicly defended Kathleen Wynne’s 2015 graphic sex ed curriculum for children as young six years old, and which was written under the direction of a convicted pedophile. This curriculum was condemned by a strong majority of parents, but it made no difference to Stiles.
Vaccine Mandates
  • Supported forcing people to take abortion-tainted COVID injections across healthcare, long-term care and education sectors, regardless of conscientious objection.
  • Supported firing healthcare and other government workers for their private medical decision to not take a COVID injection.
  • Advocated for a Nazi-style system of segregation, using vaccine passports, in which some citizens have fewer rights and freedoms than others.
  • Supports the establishment of government-run, drug injection sites in towns & cities across Ontario, where drug addicts are legally permitted to take heroin, crack, crystal meth, fentanyl, etc.. Essentially, these are government-run ‘crack houses’ which end up facilitating addiction, destroying the surrounding neighborhood, attracting crime and contributing to family breakdown and overdose deaths.
  • If elected, an NDP government would begin supplying addicts with the actual drugs themselves, at taxpayer expense, as a so-called “harm reduction” strategy. This disastrous idea would only facilitate addiction and benefit organized crime.
  • The previous NDP leader, Andrew Horwath, supported decriminalizing all illicit drugs, including crack, heroin, fentanyl, crystal meth, etc, so it would not be unreasonable to assume that Marit Stiles has the same stance..

NOTE: Always make your voting decision based on the merit of your local candidates, not the Party Leaders. If a local candidate in your riding has a green light rating from Campaign Life Coalition, vote for them, even if the Party Leader disappoints.

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