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Mike Schreiner

Green Party Leader

Whether any party leader is supportable, like any candidate in a given riding, is always based on their position on abortion and the right to life for unborn children. Those deemed pro-life earn a green light rating, are supportable and can be voted for in their own riding. Those deemed pro-abortion get a red light rating and are not supportable. To see Mike Schreiner’ candidate rating, plug in his last name into the Search field above.

For strictly informational purposes, we're sharing an analysis of Mike Schreiner’ personal leadership score on 8 measurement categories relating to policy, voting, or actions, below. Note: The categories below are not equal in weight. The right to life of unborn children is the top issue, outranking all others.

Summary of Actions

Voting Record
  • During his time as an MPP, he voted the wrong way 66% of the time, based on the three votes that have touched on our issues.
Sanctity of Life
  • Supports abortion. Has celebrated access to abortion on demand as a great human achievement. 
  • In response to leaked memo that U.S. Supreme Court would overturn Roe v. Wade, Schreiner pledged to increase the number of abortuary killing centres across Ontario, as an effort to "increase access" to this murderous procedure.
  • Supports euthanasia and assisted suicide. 
Conscience Rights
  • Calling it “dangerous”, Schreiner criticized the idea of passing legislation to protect the conscience rights of doctors, nurses and healthcare institutions.
Free Speech
  • Voted in support of a proposed NDP censorship law, Bill 3, which aimed to created 'No Free Speech Zones' on public sidewalks near health care facilities, and make it illegal for Ontarians to question or criticize abortion-tainted COVID vaccines and other restrictions.
LGBT Ideology
  • Has marched in Toronto’s Gay Pride Parade which features buck naked men walking down the streets of Toronto, along with mock sex acts and scenes of sexual bondage.
  •  Supports the federal “Conversion therapy ban” which can jail parents up to five years if they dare to affirm their gender-confused child in their biological sex.
Parental Rights
  • Strongly opposes parental rights in education. He supported Bill 13 which radically sexualized the school curriculum and forced all Catholic & Public schools to accept homosexual-activist clubs.
  • Supported Kathleen Wynne’s graphic sex ed curriculum for children as young six years old, and which was written under the direction of a convicted pedophile.
Vaccine Mandates
  • Supports forcing people to take abortion-tainted COVID injections, regardless of conscientious objection.
  • Supports firing healthcare and other government workers for their private medical decision to not take a COVID injection.
  • Advocates for a Nazi-style system of segregation, using vaccine passports, in which some citizens have fewer rights and freedoms than others.
  • Supports the establishment of government-run heroin shooting galleries in towns & cities across Ontario. There, drug addicts are legally permitted to take heroin, crack, crystal meth, etc. Essentially, these are government-run 'crack houses' which end up facilitating addiction, destroying the surrounding neighborhood, attracting crime, greatly harming individuals and the family.

NOTE: Always make your voting decision based on the merit of your local candidates, not the Party Leaders. If a local candidate in your riding has a green light rating from Campaign Life Coalition, vote for them, even if the Party Leader disappoints.

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