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Derek Sloan

Ontario Party

Whether any party leader is supportable, like any candidate in a given riding, is always based on their position on abortion and the right to life for unborn children. Those deemed pro-life earn a green light rating, are supportable and can be voted for in their own riding. Those deemed pro-abortion get a red light rating and are not supportable. To see Derek Sloan’ candidate rating, plug in his last name into the Search field above.

For strictly informational purposes, we're sharing an analysis of Derek Sloan’ personal leadership score on 8 measurement categories relating to policy, voting, or actions, below. Note: The categories below are not equal in weight. The right to life of unborn children is the top issue, outranking all others.

Summary of Actions

Voting Record
  • Has a perfect, 100% voting record on life & family issues during his time as a federal Member of Parliament.
Sanctity of Life
  • Sloan is a solid pro-lifer who believes that every human being deserves legal protection from the time of conception.
  • Opposes euthanasia and assisted suicide
Conscience Rights
  • Supports conscience rights for healthcare workers
Free Speech
  • Strong supporter of free speech
  • Opposes cancel culture
LGBT Ideology
  • Will never march in a Gay Pride Parade
  • While an MP, sponsored a petition calling for a moratorium on the surgical and chemical “transition” of gender-confused children under the age of 18.
  • Opposes the federal government’s “conversion therapy” ban, which is really meant to criminalize loving Christians who adhere to biblical sexuality, including parents and pastors, along with licensed therapists.
Parental Rights
  • Believes that parents, not the government, should decide what children are taught with respect to moral issues.
  • Promised to “start a voucher system in which the dollar value placed on each student’s education in the public system goes to the school to which the parents choose to send them (private or public), or is given to the family if they choose to homeschool”.
Vaccine Mandates
  • Promised to repeal all COVID vaccine mandates and passports.
    Note: All COVID vaccines currently available in Canada were produced and/or tested using cell lines from children killed by abortion. Consequently, ceercing Canadians who object to abortion-tainted injections, with the use of vaxports, to vioate their conscience, is wrong and unconstitutional. 
  • Will ensure that unjustly fired workers who refused the abortion-tainted injections are reinstated and compensated for wages lost.
  • Promised to end the destructive lockdown policy
  • No official position

NOTE: Always make your voting decision based on the merit of your local candidates, not the Party Leaders. If a local candidate in your riding has a green light rating from Campaign Life Coalition, vote for them, even if the Party Leader disappoints.

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